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Fun Facts

Updated: Jun 30, 2020


1. According to a survey, more women than men in the US have tattoos.

When it comes to getting tattooed, it appears that more women than men are taking part in the practice. A new poll released by the Oxygen Network and Lightspeed research purports that 59 percent of women have tattoos compared to only 41 percent of men.

2. The first tattoo machine got its inspiration from Thomas Edison’s electric pen

In 1891 the first electric tattoo machine was created, gaining inspiration from Edison’s electric pen. The inventor of the first tattoo machine was Samuel O’Reilly, who added needles and an ink reservoir to the design.

3.The oldest discovered proof of tattooing dates back to 3250 BC

The oldest known tattoos were discovered on the well-preserved body of a man nicknamed “Ötzi”, who was found beneath a glacier in the Alps. His body displayed over 60 different tattoos, composed mainly of simple dot and line designs, and created using carbon ink.


1.The word barber comes from the Latin word “barba”, meaning beard. In early ages, beards signified wisdom, strength, and manhood.

2. A barber’s razor was mentioned in the Old Testament. God instructs the prophet Ezekiel to “take a sharp sword and use it as a barber’s razor to shave your head and your beard”.

3. Barbering is one of the oldest professions in the world. There are tomb paintings from ancient Egypt that show a barber cutting hair, along with relics of razors nearly 6,000 years old.

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